Quote Of The Month

"Long is the way, and Hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light."
- John Milton, Paradise Lost

Thursday, January 29, 2009

British Imperialism

1. According to Halstead, slavery was on decline after the end of mercantilism and the start of free market capitalism. this made slavery too expensive and non profitable. This lead the British to abolish slavery

2. Halstead explains that profit was not a motive for the British because they didn't "need" imperialism to become a world power. they already dominated world trade with their unstoppable navy and were wealthy. I agree with this because Britain didn't rape and pillage the countries it went into, but rather tried to set up local governments instead.

3. Halstead argued that British Imperialism was merely an extension of their foreign policy and not of major importance while others argued that it was Britain's destiny to expand and takeover, among other things.

4. "National security, protecting free trade, protecting commercial routes, competition for markets and spheres of influence, settlement, colonization, diplomacy, and ideology"

White Man's Burden

1. Kipling uses the phrase "White Man's Burden" to describe how it is the white man's job to colonize Africa and civilize the native people in order to help them survive. Kipling says this as a way to make it seem that the white man is obligated to do so and can't back down.

2. Kipling justifies imperialism by stating that they must perceiver through the toughest hardships and finish their "savage wars of peace" 

3. The government officials were searching for an answer to give critics of imperialism and used the justification found in this poem as their excuse. Which, in turn, helped imperialism continue at full speed.

4. Religion was a common virtue in all of the societies entering Africa so the governments and their people agreed upon giving the natives of Africa a proper education in Christianity. Also, these countries used the lack of religion as a common enemy that helped propagate the need for further colonization.