Quote Of The Month

"Long is the way, and Hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light."
- John Milton, Paradise Lost

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wilson's 14 Points

In this cartoon, we see Uncle Sam representing the U.S. with his hands tied behind his back and the ropes being pulled on by different countries. the ropes are labeled the League of Nations because it was Wilson's idea and this is trying to show how all the pressure and stress was on the U.S., and, because of this, they never actually joined it.

1. This point was made to insure that no countries had secret alliances and so it would ensure that peace was made public for everyone's benefit

2. This point prevented unwarranted blockades and therefore kept peace on the high seas.

3. This point provided free trade for every country that agreed to peace and so no country could place trade embargoes for no reason.

4. Now this point tried to help peace by ensuring that no country raised a massive army that they could use against anyone else. This obviously didn't work (Germany)

5. This gave colonies a portion of the money that the ruling government made, as well as a say in the government to ensure that no revolts broke out.

6. Wilson was just being nice on this one and wanted to make Russia feel accepted and welcomed into the league. He also wanted to make sure they didnt attack anyone by offering assistance. 

7. This point was the ensure that there wasnt a mad rush to occupy Belgium and make sure its population got their country back to the way it was.

8. Wilson wanted to make France happy by giving them all their lost land back and the invaded troops kicked out. Keep the Peace!!!

9. He tried to keep Italy from invading anyone to gain land so he said they should get ethnic lands they deserve.  

10. This point left Austria-Hungary off limits to would-be attacks from countries seeking revenge thus making it peaceful.

11. This made all military forces to evacuate occupied countries to ensure that they didnt revolt against the troops and cause a conflict. Kind of a preemptive point.

12. This made sure that no ethnic uprisings would cause a conflict in the Ottoman Empire and that they would be disputes over free passage in the Mediterranean.

13. This point made the Polish people free from persecution finally and gave them a chance to build their own nation.

14. This point gave countries a place to argue their discrepancies with one another and thereby removing wars from the equation  hopefully

Assassination oF Archduke Ferdinand

In this photo, we see Princip being arrested right after shooting Ferdinand

1. First, in the document, the students are planning to kill just any Austrian, but then they decide to change their target to a more important, visiting, person. In the movie, the students are planning to kill Ferdinand from the beginning.

2. Next, as stated by the document, all of the conspirators are given a pistol and a grenade, whereas, in the movie, only the most skilled are given the guns while the rest are given the bombs.

3. In the document, it is stated that the Archduke is staying in small village outside of Sarajevo and has to take a train into the city on that faithful day. In the movie, Ferdinand is staying in the towns hotel within the city limits and merely gets in a car to start his tour.

4. Also in the document, it is stated that one of the conspirators takes pity on Sophie, but, in the movie, this is never shown and Sophie is only a minor character.

5. In the document, Princip gets a cup of coffee to celebrate the false assassination instead of the sandwich he gets in the movie.

WW1 Terms

"Over there"
"Goodbye Broadway"
"Hello France"
"Oui, Oui, Marie"
"I didn't raise my boy to be a soldier"

Military Terms
C.O.                        Submarine
invasion                Powder Keg
M.P.                       Barbed Wire
Artillery                Gen. Blackjack Pershing    
U-boats                 Enemy
Mustard gas         Unrestricted submarine warfare
AEF                        Trench warfare
Bunker                   Battle
Bomb                     Blimp
Machine Gun        Blockade
Tank                       Infantry
Stalemate              Cavalry
Airplane                Torpedo
K.P.                        Draftee

Slang and Derogatory Terms
French Postcards        Huns
Dog Tag                        Red Baron 
Dud                               Krauts
Lousy                            Basket Case  
Dog Fight                     Shellshock
Limies                           Homefront
Cabbage                        Swabby
Doughboys                  Liberty Steaks
Air Ace                         Furlough
Goldbrick                    Slacker
Liberty Bonds

Diseases and Their Outcomes
Trench Mouth

Governmental Ideas and Terms
War Industry Board           Liberty
Totalitarian                         Self-determination
Sacrifice                               Pacifists
Red Tape                              Espionage& Sedition Acts
Propaganda                         War Revenue Act
Assassination                      Patriotism
Territorial Integrity          Kaiser
Nationalism                        Preparedness
Balance of Power               Alliances
Mobilization                       Czar
Militarism                          Neutrality
Democracy                         Armistice

Other :)
Porkless Saturdays
War bread
Over the top
No man's land
War Bonds
French kiss
Rape of Belgium
Meatless Tuesdays
Wheatless Mondays