Quote Of The Month

"Long is the way, and Hard, that out of Hell leads up to Light."
- John Milton, Paradise Lost

Monday, October 6, 2008

Declaration of the Rights of Man

1.  All men are equal and classes may set up for the common good.
2. The goal of politics are to preserve the rights of liberty, property, security, and resistance to abuse.
3. Power can only come from the nation as a whole.
4. Liberty is the freedom to do whatever as long as it doesn't violate another's same rights. these limits are determined by the government.
5. Law can only stop things that hurt society and no one can be forced to do anything not in the laws.
6. Every citizen has a right to participate in law making and those rights are to be equal no matter what. Also, any man can earn any position based upon his abilities and not distinction. 
7. No person shall be punished for anything except what is law. Also, any person who breaks a law will be prosecuted swiftly.
8. The law will provide for punishments as necessary and no one will be punished by any means not set up by law.
9. All men are innocent until proven guilty so any abuse not essential to their arrest will not be accepted by law.
10. All men are allowed religious freedom as long as it doesn't disturb the safety of the public
11. All men have the right to freedom of expression, but shall be held responsible if they abuse that power.
12. Military forces are required to ensure the safety of the people and are not to be used for personal gain by its leaders.
13. Taxes are essential to ensure that the government runs smoothly and will be assessed equally based upon the means of the payers.
14. Citizens are allowed the right to represent their desire for proper taxation.
15. People have the right ask for an account of a public agent's administration.
16. A society where laws are not enforced or powers are not separated has no constitution at all
17. No man shall be deprived of his property except for public safety or if the law says so and only if the owner has been notified ahead of time.

In the picture above, the artist is depicting the document as a supreme declaration by painting the doctrine as if it is descending from heaven. To further help this idea, the artist has painted an angel in the upper right to represent the document's divinity and push the idea that god wanted this to be so. The artist has also added a person holding what appears to be a chain to represent reason and to go along with the enlightenment ideals that are taking hold at this time.

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